• What the future of health system growth means for philanthropy leaders


    About the webinar

    In the face of unrelenting market pressures and demographic shifts, health systems can no longer rely on volume and top-line revenue growth in core high-profit service lines, nor can they cost-cut their way to profitability. To fulfill their mission obligations in the future, health systems need to pursue sustainable growth. 

    This session will unpack two major shifts health systems need to undertake to realize sustainable growth and will share examples of health systems that are leading the way. Throughout, our presenters will explore the implications for development, as philanthropy dollars become even more essential to meet current obligations and fund future growth.

    Things you'll learn:

    • The market forces destabilizing traditional financial models for hospital services 
    • The strategic shifts health systems need to embrace to achieve sustainable growth
    • How philanthropy leaders can support and enable these strategic shifts